Collaborating with subcontractors and third-party entities to ensure that program deliverables and expectations are being met.
Developing recruitment strategies with the Acting Director of the Carnegie Institute to matriculate 40 participants through the Digital Marketing Diploma program annually as well as 32 fellows in The Warhol Academy and 5-10 mentors for the mentorship program.
Fostering partnerships with area employers, nonprofits, regional agencies, and other organizations to ensure impactful economic outcomes for participants through job placements, 1099 contract work, continuing education, professional development, industry certifications, and related support services.
Oversees contracts for subcontractors and third-party entities.
Maintaining the license for Carnegie Institute’s Private Licensed School and its related programming including
Serving as Carnegie Institute’s School Director
Coordinating with Carnegie Institute’s Acting Director(s)
Working with AWM/CM legal and finance teams for required state and local financial and data reporting requirements
Oversees the participant CRM for programs including:
Initial participant data entry
Curating data reports for Pop District leadership, philanthropic funders, and other parties as needed
Gather quantitative and qualitative responses from participants that inform participant support needs
Outreach to participants for longer term participant tracking
Produce outcome reports from Hubspot for quarterly and annual reports and more often as needed.
Request reports from CM for tracking 1099 contractor outcomes.
Maintain a recruiting and onboarding process to contract instruction providers for the private licensed school.
Supervising the Coordinators of The Warhol Academy and working with The Warhol Creative to refine content and marketing strategies that will be developed by the Media Production Coordinator such as alum profile videos, event recap videos, participant photos, and related program storytelling assets.
Overseeing and supervising the Program Coordinators to organize internal events for program participants and alum to network and/or pursue additional professional development opportunities, such as Conferences, Opportunity Days, a bi-annual program and employer recruitment event, or professional development workshops led by Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh’s Employment and Training team.
Providing input to the Marketing Team from The Andy Warhol Museum to promote program opportunities via email blasts, press releases, and other promotional outlets managed by the Marketing Team.
Direction and oversight for the Digital Marketing, Mentorship, Digital Content Creation and Filmmaking and Post Production programs.
Managing, analyzing, and reporting on Warhol Academy related budgets for departmental operations; restricted funds; and grant projects.
Collaborating with The Pop District and LPE staff, and consultants to evaluate workforce programs and activities; analyze and respond to findings; and contribute to research and learning in the field of workforce development and museum education.
Connecting with local organizations and community groups to grow and support the Pop District and The Academy’s network.
Other duties as assigned.